Referrals & Links
Table of Contents
For Affordable Housing
- Learn about the region’s affordable housing needs, plans and performance from the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)
- Support affordable housing advocacy and development in the region. San Diego Housing Federation (SDHF)
- Contact your City or County to learn how to support affordable and rental housing preservation, rehabilitation, and development. City websites in San Diego County.
- Join the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s Housed Campaign. Click here
- Contact your federal representatives to ask them to commit to universal, stable and affordable housing. Click here
For Tenant Rights
Affordable Housing
Find Affordable Housing
- 2-1-1
- AHA’s Affordable Housing Handout
- County of San Diego, Rental Assistance & Affordable Housing Directory
Find Senior Housing
Find Affordable Housing by Jurisdiction
*AB 987 Databases identify affordable housing that was deed restricted by the former redevelopment agency and is monitored by the Successor Agency or jurisdiction in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 33418.
Emergency Shelter
Call 2-1-1 for emergency shelter or short-term housing referrals or visit an Assessment Center near you. For more information, go to 2-1-1 San Diego or Interfaith Services
Habitability (Minimum Housing Standards)
For tips on how to prevent or abate infestations, click here.
If you have written to your landlord about the serious health and safety defects in your unit or complex, and repairs were either not made within 30 days, or are inadequate, then you may report the defects to local code enforcement. Click here
If that does not resolve the matter, then you may apply for legal help.
Housing Discrimination (Fair Housing)
For information:
To find a Fair Housing Provider: click here.
Then click on “Providers” and select your jurisdiction.
For legal representation:
To file a Fair Housing complaint:
Just Cause Eviction
To learn whether the just cause provisions of the State Tenant Protection Act (TPA) of 2019 (AB 1482) apply to you, click here, scroll down to the colorful flowchart, and answer the questions.
If local just cause regulations provide greater protections or were adopted on or before 9/1/2019, then they apply instead of the State TPA. Civil Code 1946.2 (i)
For Chula Vista’s Just Cause Protections, click here.
If you live in the City of San Diego, then you may be covered by the Tenant Rights to Know Regulations, as amended.
Legal Services
- Community Law Project
- Law Help
- Legal Aid Society of San Diego
- San Diego County Bar Association, Lawyer Referral & Information Service
Rent Increases
To learn whether the Tenant Protection Act (TPA) of 2019 (AB 1482) applies to you, click on the following link, then scroll down to the colorful flowchart and answer the questions. Click here
If it does, then from March 15, 2019 to December 1, 2029, your rent cannot be increased, over a 12-month period, more than 5%, plus the increase in the region’s Consumer Price Index (CPI), for All Urban Consumers, for All Items. In no case may it be increased more than 10%.
If you are covered by the TPA, then click on the following link for the most recent CPI increase for All Urban Consumers for All Items, and “find” or scroll down to “Consumer Price Index, San Diego Area, March, Current Year”. Click here
To view prior CPI annual increases click on the above link, go to “Archives by Year”, select the “YEAR”, and “find” or scroll down the page for the “Consumer Price Index, San Diego Area”, March of that year.
Which CPI increase applies, depends on whether the [proposed] rent increase was [will be] effective before August 1, or on or after that date. For rent increases that take effect before August 1, the percentage change is the change between March of last year, and the year before that. For rent increases that take effect on or after August 1, the percentage change is the change between March of the current year and last year. See Civil Code section 1947.12, subd. (g)(3)(B).
- the rent increase is 10 percent or less, in and off itself or when combined with all rent increases within 12 months of the effective date of the increase; or
- when the rent increase results from a change in the family income or composition as determined by a recertification required by statute or regulation.
- personally, or by
- US mail, in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure section 1013
Rental Assistance
Public Housing Authorities (Section 8)
Self-Help Eviction
Small Claims
- San Diego Superior Court, Small Claims
Tenant Rights
Unlawful Detainers (Evictions)
- California Courts, Resolving Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) Cases (Video)
- California Courts, Self-Help (Evictions)
- Legal Aid Society of San Diego (includes video on making court appearances)
- San Diego Superior Court, Landlord/Tenant
- Tenant Power Toolkit (helps you draft your own UD pleadings)