
san diego hall of justice

Join the Board/Board Committee/Advisory Committee

AHA’s Board meets bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September and November. The Board may form or designate committees, to meet as needed. The Board provides oversight for the corporation and staff. The Advisory Committee is consulted as needed, and kept abreast of developments through emailings of Board Agenda, Minutes & Reports. Individuals interested in serving as an Advisor, Board or Committee member are invited to submit a cover letter and resume or curriculum vitae to AHA.

Staff Positions

Advocates – All open positions are posted at

Support Staff – All open positions are posted at

Clerkship & Internship

AHA hosts law student clerks and interns throughout the year. We accept students with a Federal Work Study (FWS) or Public Interest Law Project (PILP) grant, or a Dan Bradley Fellowship. Students interested in clerking for us are encouraged to apply for FWS or PILP grant funds or an internship through their law school. For information about the Dan Bradley Fellowship click here.

Applicants should indicate whether they seek a part- or full-time clerkship, if they have applied for or secured a FWS or PILP grant, proposed starting and ending dates and, if part-time, the days (if known) and number of hours available); resume; transcript; writing sample (5 or fewer pages) and two (2) references. Please submit as one merged PDF document to, subject line “Clerkship, year and term”.


AHA is qualified to and interested in hosting fellows to address impact tenants’ rights and affordable housing issues in the San Diego Region. For more information about legal fellowships visit and


Pro-Bono/Co-counsel – AHA works with public and private pro bono counsel to enforce minimum requirements for affordable and decent housing. To inquire about co-counseling opportunities please contact us.


To assist the Board, consider volunteering to help plan a fundraising event or help with a campaign. To find out more about fundraising opportunities, please contact us.

Thank you.

san diego hall of justice
law books with attorneys blurred in background
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