
We are dedicated to ensuring that stewards of affordable housing funds, and those obligated to plan for and develop affordable housing or accord tenants their rights, are accountable. As a nonprofit public benefit corporation, all donations and bequests to AHA are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.

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justice holding scales with California flag blurred background

Celebration of Justice

Each year Affordable Housing Advocates honors excellence in affordable housing and community development in the San Diego region.

Please Join Us For Our
34th Anniversary Celebration of Justice

Honoring Paul Downey
on June 25, 2025, 6 – 8 PM
at The Prado at Balboa Park

Past Events

30th Anniversary Celebration of Justice

On June 25, 2021,  AHA hosted a virtual Celebration of Justice honoring Chelsea Investment Corporation and Serving Seniors for their intergenerational, affordable housing development, Mid-City Apartments.

25th Anniversary Celebration of Justice

At its 25th Anniversary Celebration of Justice, AHA honored San Diego Deputy Public Defender Steve Binder for his leadership in affordable housing and community development in the region – and beyond.

Throughout his career, Steve has worked on behalf of the homeless, helping them navigate the criminal justice system despite their challenges with mental illness, substance abuse, or joblessness.

In 1989, he was part of a team of lawyers who developed the constitutional challenge to a community with inadequate affordable housing, for criminalizing homelessness – a legal argument that has been successful nationally in challenging the use of vagrancy statutes against the homeless. That same year, Steve conceived of a court for the homeless to enable them to clear misdemeanor criminal charges while empowering them to rejoin society.

In addition to his regular caseload, he worked tirelessly to create the first Homeless Court in the nation in San Diego, California. Homeless Court tailors the criminal justice system to the special needs of the homeless by enabling prosecutors and judges to transform punitive fines and jail time into feasible sentences that contribute to rehabilitation. Homeless Court is a model for community change throughout the nation, with Steve providing resource materials and technical assistance, deemed essential tools for its successful replication.

Steve helped the American Bar Association convene a national conference on homeless courts and serves as Chair of the ABA’s Commission on Homelessness and Poverty. He also serves on the Collaborative Justice Courts Advisory Committee to the Judicial Council of the California Courts.

Thank you Steve for your extraordinary contribution to the evolution of criminal courts to enable the homeless, including veterans, to become self-sufficient, benefitting them and their communities. And thanks to all those who joined our anniversary celebration to honor Steve Binder.

20th Anniversary Celebration of Justice

At the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Justice, AHA honored Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation for its leadership in affordable and sustainable housing development in San Diego with developments like Los Vecinos (Chula Vista), Country Club (Oceanside) and Parkside (San Diego). Wakeland started developing sustainably to offer residents healthier homes and communities and lower utility costs.

It’s award winning Los Vecinos project, in Chula Vista, was completed in 2009. Los Vecinos is 100% solar powered and is LEED Platinum Certified, receiving the highest score in the history of the LEED Homes program. LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is an internationally-recognized green building certification system, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in March 2000.

Going green is more important than ever. SB 375 (2008) requires regions to reduce their carbon footprint. San Diego is the first region in the state to adopt a Sustainable Communities Strategy.

Sustainable and transit-oriented housing is one way to make a difference. You can read more about Wakeland’s sustainable development. Thank you Wakeland for building green and best wishes for your continued success.

15th Anniversary Celebration of Justice

At the 15th Anniversary Celebration of Justice, AHA honored James J. Schmid, CEO, & Chelsea Investment Corporation (CIC) for their development of Fairbanks Ridge, Mariposa, The Crossings and Windwood Village, affordable and inclusionary housing in San Diego County

“Inclusionary” housing refers to affordable housing that is developed as part of a larger, mixed-income or mixed-use community. Jim and Chelsea’s inclusionary housing developments were honored for promoting social justice.

The term “affordable” is defined by reference to the income group served. AHA honored these developments because they include units which serve our client community, the extremely low income who earn no more than 25 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), at or near minimum wage. For current information on the region’s income limits and affordable housing costs, click here.

For more information about CIC’s inclusionary projects, click here.

AHA salutes Jim and his wonderful team at CIC, and wishes them many more years of success in the development of inclusive and affordable housing in San Diego.

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34th Anniversary Celebration of Justice

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