construction on apartment building

Expanding Affordable Housing Through Legal Advocacy

Affordable Housing Advocates is a nonprofit provider of free legal services. We represent tenants and organizations, in individual and impact cases, to expand and enforce tenant rights and affordable housing requirements, in the San Diego Region.

What You Need To Know

We assist tenants with enforcement of their rights, including the right to proper notice, and help them defend notices of termination of tenancy, including by providing representation in eviction actions (Unlawful Detainers). We also represent tenants to prevent the loss of rental housing, abate substandard conditions and enforce affordable housing requirements. For help with other matters, go to Referrals & Links

As a Qualified Legal Services Project, supported in part by grants from the State Bar of California’s Legal Services Trust Fund Program, Affordable Housing Advocates provides free legal services to income-eligible tenants, living in San Diego County. Tenant-households are eligible if the combined gross income of all household members is at or below 200% of the current federal poverty guideline, if the applicant is 60 years of age or older, or disabled. A group of tenants is eligible, if the majority of tenant-households are eligible. We also represent non profit organizations that advocate for our clients’ interests.

Applicants for our free legal services must complete and submit a short Application, and provide proof of income. Before you begin, gather the gross monthly income information, by source and amount, for each household member, including the gross monthly wages for each adult household member (18 years of age or older). If you live with another household, then include the amount the other household contributes to the monthly rent, under “other” income. Once you have this information, you should be able to complete the Application in 10-15 minutes. When you are ready, Click here to begin.

Please Join Us For Our
34th Anniversary Celebration of Justice

Honoring Paul Downey
on June 25, 2025, 6 – 8 PM
at The Prado at Balboa Park

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34th Anniversary Celebration of Justice

Use the form below to purchase your tickets or to submit a donation.

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